What We’re Thinking

Rebrand as Advanced Analytics

Officially simulation falls under the banner of Operational Research or sometimes Management Science. Two terms that I believe convey absolutely nothing about what we do or the value we deliver.…

Gartner tips simulation for business success in 2011

Gartner has once again highlighted simulation as a top strategic technology for business success and points to the ability to ‘predict the future outcomes’ of actions as the key to…

KISS – Keep it Simple Stupid

In our latest “lesson from the old timers” session for our new round of graduate consultants we got onto the high level vs detailed simulation debate. KISS reared its ugly…

It’s a small world…

David works in our European headquarters in the UK. On his commute to work on Monday, the local radio station told him about the great work our Boston team had…

Scenario Generator proves Colon Cancer statistics

As reported in the SIMUL8 blog, there was a BBC news published a story this week saying that 'Colon Cancer Cases May Rise by 50%'. The shocking headline is based on…