Art of Simulation

What is the quickest way to board an airplane?

Boarding a plane can be stressful - everyone wants to get on as quickly as possible with minimum disruption, but sometimes confusion occurs and people end up sitting in the…

4 ways to improve laboratory workflows with simulation

Managing an efficient, cost-effective laboratory is the goal, whether in life science research, pharmaceutical manufacturing or, as part of a hospital system. Clinical laboratory bottlenecks can quickly impact on an…

Simul8 Meets…Laura Albert, President at INFORMS 

It’s time to start shouting about the benefits of simulation At Simul8, we’re fortunate to collaborate with many great people on exciting process optimization projects across multiple sectors; from automotive…

Simulations that stand out: Design principles and top tips

Our recent drop-in session with Simulation Consultant Jessica Aiani was a great success, providing invaluable insight and discussion into the art of creating captivating simulations. In case you missed it,…

Our CTO debunks 5 myths about Digital Twins

Digital twins, if a business hasn't already implemented one, they are at least talking about it! However, as with any new buzzword, there are many and varied definitions and opinions…