What We’re Thinking

Geeky Humor in SIMUL8 office

How one of our team let us know he'd brought in donuts for everyone on his birthday: Hi, Solve the following puzzle for a reward: Read More

Simulation and Business Decisions – Kevin Turner

BizIntelligenceTV have published an interview with Microsoft's Chief Operating Officer, Kevin Turner, on the importance of simulation in forecasting business decisions. He argues that creating simulations to predict future demand…

SIMUL8’s Customers Positive in the Face of UK Spending Cuts

The UK government’s spending cuts have been publicized across the globe, and it’s not just local people that are concerned about what the impact will be, international private companies are…

Simulation holds the key to the future of retail

The Retail industry has taken a bit of a knock in recent years but the future looks bright for one US retailer. Don't be fooled. The future of retail doesn't…

Simulation is a compass not GPS

My simulation professor used to say that GPS gives you the exact answer whereas a compass points you in the general direction of where you're trying to get to. It's…