Technical Corner
What would you do in the event of a terrorist attack?
Risk Sciences International use SIMUL8 to create test scenarios within the US food supply chain. In today’s world we are constantly faced with the threat of terrorism. Terrorism can affect…
Use a Spreadsheet to Generate Batched Arrivals by Day
Many users found using a CSV to generate arrivals very useful, so we decided we’d write a similar tip but instead using internal spreadsheets as an interface. This can be…
Know who is on your simulation team!
Whether you are new to simulation or an expert; the success of your projects greatly stems from the collection of your peers that make up the team. Discrete event simulation…
Does your simulation project have a “Project Champion”?
The role of the Project Champion is critical to the success of the overall analysis; especially when it comes to implementation. The Project Champion is usually a management personnel who…
Loading from a silo and unloading to a hopper
Check out this 5 minute video tutorial simulating loading material from a silo and transporting it to a hopper. Read More