Technical Corner

Using the Trace the Call Stack Effectively

Complex models typically use a lot of Visual Logic. Best practices in programming dictate that it is best to write generic procedures that are called from different places rather than…

Setting up a Probability Profile in Excel and moving the data into the simulation

In this SIMUL8 Tip, we will look at setting up a Probability Profile in Excel and moving the data into our simulation. For this example, we may be modelling a…

Picking Random Numbers From Two Queues and Assembling into a Single Work Item

In this SIMUL8 tip, we will look at selecting different numbers of items from two queues and assembling them into a single work item, which represents a completed order. In…

Optimizing Run Speeds in Simul8

At SIMUL8 we pride ourselves on the extremely fast run times of our simulation models. One of the tools that helps you optimize your simulation run speeds even further is…

1st Activity runs when 2nd Activity completes – Using Groups

One way to simulate a system where the 1st part of a process cannot start until a later activity has completed is to use groups. By creating Groups in SIMUL8…