Simul8 Tips

Simul8 2013’s State Charts

What is a 'Work Item State'? This is a completely new way to look at work items as they travel through your simulation. As Work Items move through a process…

Constraining Arrivals

Did you know that in SIMUL8 you can limit the total number of work items that enter your simulation at a Start Point, or limit the duration of arriving work…

New way to add and customize buttons

SIMUL8 has always offered our power users the ability to add onscreen buttons, but now we've made it even faster to add these hugely useful features to your simulation. A…

Recording results per work item to a spreadsheet

1. Start by joining 4 items to create a process: Entry point Queue Activity End Point [jwplayer mediaid="3825"] Read More

Easily time your Work Items using the Transaction Log

This week we’re going to have a quick look at a feature that will help track the times of work items in your system, without the use of formulas or…