Jacquie White

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Jacquie White

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Simulation in Healthcare

The role of simulation in Long Term Conditions

Posted by Jacquie White

The NHS program has used simulation from the outset to inform the understanding of how patients with multiple long term conditions use services as their conditions change, and the costs and resources likely to be required each year for a patient.

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Simulation in Healthcare

Chronic disease – more than medicine

Posted by Jacquie White

A signal of the success in tackling the health problems of the 21st century is the emergence of Long Term Conditions as the dominant problem for health and care systems worldwide.

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Simulation in Healthcare

Person-centred care – fantasy, fad or far-reaching in its potential?

Posted by Jacquie White

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Art of Simulation, Simulation in Healthcare

Fire service to the rescue of our health

Posted by Jacquie White

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