Super-charge your Simul8 skills with our new Bootcamps
Andrew Wylie / Apr 5, 2022
What is a Bootcamp?
A high intensity training regime designed to get maximum results in a limited time. The person below (me) achieved such results with the small price of being covered in mud!

Thankfully, with Simul8 bootcamp there will be no mud involved, but certainly great results.
At Simul8, we’re all about making fast and effective decisions, that’s why we have found another way to put that power in the hands of the users, in the form of our bootcamps.
With Simul8 bootcamp, our Simulation Excellence Team have designed a set of courses which are tailored to specific areas of interest to our vast client base.
Our Team will be delivering industry specific courses as we deep dive into key areas of the software. With a large emphasis placed on your own projects, Simul8 bootcamp is a sure-fire way to super-charge your Simul8 skills!
The details
- 3-hour bootcamp on chosen topic
- Assignments tailored to your processes
- 1-1 1-hour follow up session with Simulation Consultant
- Certificate upon course completion
So, what bootcamps have we got going on?
Hospital Flow
Our Director of Services, Tom Stephenson, will be showing how Simul8 can capture realistic flows in different hospital areas, looking especially at modelling flow changes at different times throughout the week or year, as well as the complexities of a connected system. Any industry that is highly complex or where demand fluctuates at different times could pick up some useful tips!
Building an Effective User Interface
Simulation Consultant Andrew Wylie will be showing users how to best engage with their colleagues, stakeholders and clients. During this session, you will be shown how to use buttons to change the key levers within your simulation, create a dashboard to display your results and to ensure the visualization reflects your own process!
Scheduling with Simul8
Would you like to more accurately model the demand placed on your system? Want to base your inventory off an existing supply chain schedule? Want to schedule the exact constraints placed on your resources, when they’re on vacation and when new people are joining the workforce? Well, Simul8 can do that, and we can apply it to your industry! During this bootcamp, we will teach you how to schedule stock levels, customer demand, machine/process repairs and ever-changing resource availability.
How to Teach Simul8
Looking to bring other users within your organisation into the world of simulation? This bootcamp will give you the tools to knowledge share as effectively as possible.
This course is also perfect for those in Academia who are looking to more effectively teach their students the art of simulation and the key functionalities involved!
Integrating with Simul8
Want to quickly integrate data from multiple sources? Want to connect with different programming languages like Python and R?
With this bootcamp, we will teach you how to input your own information from external sources into a simulation, as well as export your results to other platforms!
Getting started with Machine Learning in Simul8
Machine Learning (ML) is becoming an ever more important tool for simulation modellers. In this bootcamp, Senior Simulation Consultant, Christoph Werner, will take you through some common Supervised Learning methods and how they can enhance your simulations. This gives you a new and powerful way of automating complex rules around Routing and Timing decisions.
How can you get involved?
Looking to elevate your Simul8 skillset? Our bootcamp courses are a great way to do so. Book below to secure your spot!