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Simulation Spotlight on Manufacturing SMEs

Laura Reid  /   Aug 14, 2013

It’s great to see the spotlight on getting simulation out to SMEs. I recently spotted this portal launch from PolymerOhio, and some of the guys out of our European office are involved in an EU project doing exactly the same for European SMEs.

So, why the special attention? Why is help needed to get simulation, by which I mean any type of simulation, out to these companies?

Manufacturing is critical to being globally competitive (and yes that still applies today even with so much moving abroad) and at the core of a buoyant manufacturing industry has to be successful SMEs. Add to that the creativity and innovation that we see coming out of SMEs that can transform process improvement for anyone (clever ways to meet customer demand without holding massive inventories, supply chain integration, ….)and you can see why it’s so important for them to thrive.

The take-up of simulation has been low amongst SMEs due to time and cost constraints and yet their processes are perfect for simulation. These initiatives are going to get SMEs streamlined, more productive, with increased profits and improved competitiveness by being able to access simulation quickly and at a low cost.

Our guys are really excited about being involved in this and they should be– it’s a chance to make a difference to individuals, companies and, potentially, the entire manufacturing sector!

About the author

Laura Reid