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Simul8 wins Tech for Good Award at Better Society Awards

Simul8 has won the Tech for Good Award at the Better Society Awards 

We’re delighted to announce that Simul8 has won the Tech for Good Award at the Better Society Awards in the UK.

The Better Society Awards reward commercial companies who are helping create a better, more equal, ethical and sustainable world for all and this year’s awards ceremony was held last Thursday (Dec, 2, 2021)

Simul8 was delighted to be nominated for 2 awards at the event, being nominated in both the Tech for Good category and Pro Bono Company of the Year. The organization’s shortlisted included Sainsbury’s, British Red Cross, Aviva and Santander, we we felt priviliged just to be nominated.

Then on Thursday it was announced that we’d won in the Tech for Good Category! Unfortunately we couldn’t be at the London event in person to accept our award, but we’re looking forward to celebrating it very soon with the whole Simul8 team!

The award comes from our work during the pandemic where we offered pro-bono support to organizations worldwide, in the form of free simulation software and consulting expertise to organizations, particularly within the healthcare sector to help them during unprecedented times.

During the past 24 months we’re proud to have given over $130,000 of software and more than 40 days of free consulting time to support organizations with the challenges the pandemic hit them with. The work undertaken spanned 22 countries worldwide and looked at a number of different areas including planning hospital capacity, delivering vaccines with specialised storage requirements and ensuring that the vaccine roll out could happen as efficiently as possible.

CEO Laura Reid said: “The decision to offer our support during the pandemic for free was an easy one. The alternative would have been not to act at all, or to try and profit at the time of greatest need, which would simply go against our whole ethos of improved empowerment and accessibility to technology that can make a positive difference.

“As a SME, this was a big undertaking where we were successful in getting our pro-bono support out to numerous organisations worldwide. I couldn’t be more proud of the whole Simul8 team and it’s such an honor to have their fantastic achievements recognized by winning this Silver Stevie Award. Reading all the judges feedback made us very proud.”

Our work to support others at this time hasn’t stopped there, we are still actively working to help organizations get employees back to work safely, plan how to deal with the backlog of canceled appointments and operations and deal with other issues the pandemic has left behind.

We are so proud to have received this award and be included in a list with so many other amazing projects.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our Tech for good work, or how we can help your organization visit