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SIMUL8 East Coast User Group a success!

Last week we were in Washington D.C holding the SIMUL8 East Coast User Group. The event gave a chance to connect, share knowledge and discuss the role process simulation can play in your organization. It was a great success with presentations from Geisinger Health System and Visual8, along with tips from our expert consultants and a panel discussion on what makes simulation successful.

SIMUL8’s CEO Laura Reid opened the event with a focus on our users which highlighted the importance of gaining feedback from users to better understand their needs and how SIMUL8 can benefit them.

Seth Hostetler from Geisinger Health System then took the floor to present an interesting case study on “Balancing Patient Satisfaction with Staff Efficiency”.

Seth discussed how he used simulation modeling to help design a new on-demand meal delivery process for inpatient units. The project posed several conflicting objectives, including patient satisfaction and staff efficiency, however through modeling the process he was able to provide valuable information to the design process, giving management the ability to make informed decisions. The slides can be viewed within the presentation below.

The second case study of the day was presented by Matthew Concannon from Visual8. This case study looked at work he had undertaken with a US plywood manufacturer who wanted to update their defect patching process to an automated robotic line. There were several different design options for the process and SIMUL8 was used to determine the configuration best suited to meet the client’s needs. You can view the slides from the presentation below.

Attendees also had the chance to get a sneak peek at what’s coming in SIMUL8 2014, as well as hearing from our speakers on what makes a successful simulation project. This was then followed on day 2 by an Intermediate and advanced training course.

It was great to see examples of the current issues being solved by our users as well as of simulation projects and scenarios from attendees – something we’re keen to keep going throughout 2014.

Once again we’d like to say a big thanks to our speakers and to everyone who attended. Our next event will be a SIMUL8 virtual user group on February 26, 2014 – so look out for more details coming soon!