Technical Corner

Minimizing Change Overs

In this week’s tip, we will take a look at how we can set some options within SIMUL8 in order to minimize the amount of times an activity needs to…

Copy All Results to Excel

There may be times where you want to take all of your results from your simulation and analyze them using a different program such as Excel. In SIMUL8 it is…

Route out by Type

Most SIMUL8 users will be familiar with the Routing out ‘by label’ feature. This provides an easy way to select a pathway for a work item based on a label…

Group Objects to Retrieve Average Number in System

This week, we're going to take a look at a quick tip in order to view work item amounts in a group of simulation objects. This might come in handy…

Simul8 2013’s State Charts

What is a 'Work Item State'? This is a completely new way to look at work items as they travel through your simulation. As Work Items move through a process…