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What is Simulation?

SIMUL8 have compiled a short, simple guide to Discrete Event Simulation to try and answer the most common questions our customers ask us, including: What is simulation? Why do I…

Friday’s SIMUL8 Tip – Travel Times

Our Friday tip this week comes from Simulation Consultant Neil Hutcheon: Before you start building a model, set all 'Travel Times' to Zero unless you want SIMUL8 to calculate your…

SIMUL8 2010 Tutorial – Spreadsheets

The Spreadsheet Charts feature is brand new for 2010 and allows you to: Dynamically create charts from data stored in SIMUL8 internal spreadsheets Maintain speed and performance of your model…

Why Choose SIMUL8? Part 1…

Thanks to everyone who entered our competition and told us why they use SIMUL8. You gave us so many great points, we've decided to split them up into bite-size chunks...so…

Top 5 Healthcare IT challenges for 2010

Canon have produced a report which outlines what they see as the top 5 challenges for the UK Healthcare sector in 2010. They base their conclusions on insight gained from…