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Mission Charts Control

Charts are one of the most effective ways of communicating data.  In SIMUL8 our aim is to make powerful charts easy to create – in just a couple of clicks.…

Friday’s Tip – drawing arrows

Did you know you can draw arrows on screen by check the arrow box, then selecting the line draw object and drawing a line on the screen? Instead of having…

“SIMUL8 takes no prisoners!”

There is no doubt that the justice process is a complicated system, from a 911 call, a court case and through to prison or parole there are many different paths…

Friday’s Tip – Making changes faster

If you have a number objects of the same type (e.g 3 Work Centers) and you wish to make the same change to them all, select all the objects (you…

It’s a small world…

David works in our European headquarters in the UK. On his commute to work on Monday, the local radio station told him about the great work our Boston team had…