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25th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care

On December 8-11, the SIMUL8 Healthcare team will return to the IHI Conference in Florida.

Celebrating its 25th year, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement offers an opportunity to learn the latest improvement ideas, connect with like-minded colleagues, and generate momentum for change in your organization. Last year the team were inspired by Maureen Bisognano’s keynote at the conference about taking steps to reduce variation in healthcare to improve performance and overall patient outcomes. So inspired that we created a white paper on the topic and an interactive tutorial to show how simulation can help.

This year we will be demonstrating the impact of Lean through simulation, with a variety models for participants to take away and try themselves. We’re really looking forward to meeting up with everyone and sharing improvement stories!

If you would like to meet up with us during the conference then get in touch and we’ll be happy to arrange something.

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For over 20 years we've been working with organizations around the world to transform processes. Our intuitive software is relied on to help make million dollar decisions. From Ford to NASA, Geisinger to Boston Scientific, SIMUL8 Corporation's powerful software is being used to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve processes.