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Setting up a Probability Profile in Excel and moving the data into the simulation

In this SIMUL8 Tip, we will look at setting up a Probability Profile in Excel and moving the data into our simulation. For this example, we may be modelling a…

Picking Random Numbers From Two Queues and Assembling into a Single Work Item

In this SIMUL8 tip, we will look at selecting different numbers of items from two queues and assembling them into a single work item, which represents a completed order. In…

Selecting Resources Based on a Label Value

This week, we will look at selecting resources based on a label value. We will use a hospital as an example. We are going to set up our simulation to…

Label-based Batching and Collecting

Using batching, we are able to split a single work item in our simulation into two or more items, which each share the same label attributes as the original work…

Aerospace, Simulation and Networking at the IIE Annual Conference

The Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) are responsible for holding the biggest industrial and systems engineering event of the year – the IIE Annual Conference. This year, the event was…